Way back at the very start of my writing career, one of the very earliest stories that I sold was a straight horror tale, set in Canada and called
Child of Ice. It was bought by an editor called
Herbert van Thal for an anthology series called
The Pan Books of Horror. The tale saw print after a while, and I was glad to see it out. But other than that, I merely took note that one of the other contributors was a certain
Ian McEwan -- impressive! -- and then pocketed my £40 and went on my merry way. How was I to know that, years later, the series would come to be regarded as a classic with a huge cult following.
And now all that is being drawn together by man-about-horror
Johnny Mains, who is bringing out a book on the subject, has compiled a massive
website, and has several other projects on the go into the bargain. One of which is
BACK FROM THE DEAD: The Legacy of the Pan Book of Horror Stories. It's an anthology which brings back together some of the best contributors to PBoH. They provide new stories where they can, and where they can't one of their old-time classics is included. There's to be a Forward by
Shaun Hutson, an introduction by
David A. Sutton. Oh yes, and there's a brand-new tale of terror by yours truly on the contents list.
BACK FROM THE DEAD will come out from Johnny's own publishing company, Noose & Gibbet, and will be released -- you guessed it -- just in time for World Horror in Brighton. And the cover appears here by the man's kind permission.
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